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Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (1) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220018 .

Research On the Way to Enhance the Competitiveness of Shaanxi Cultural IndustryUnder the Background of the Belt and Road

作者: 原野 *

陕西学前师范学院 陕西西安

*通讯作者: 原野,单位:陕西学前师范学院 陕西西安;


引用本文: 原野 一带一路背景下陕西文化产业竞争力提升路径研究[J]. 科学发展研究, 2022; 2: (1) : 73-76.
Published: 2022/6/15 17:07:33



关键词: 一带一路;文化产业;竞争力提升


The development of economy and information has further promoted the rapid development of China's current cultural industry. In recent years, the development of shaanxi's cultural industry has also improved significantly. The author studies the current situation of shaanxi's cultural industry, discusses and analyzes the ways to enhance the competitiveness of its cultural industry, and puts forward the following views for reference only.

Key words: Belt and Road; Cultural industry; Improvement of competitiveness

参考文献 References

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[2] 张小可.“一带一路”背景下陕西文化产业布局研究[J].中国商论,2017:142-143.