Scientific Development Research
Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (1) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220009 .
总浏览量: 635
西北民族大学 甘肃兰州
天津师范大学新闻传播学院 天津
*通讯作者: 周毅全,单位:西北民族大学 甘肃兰州;
Confucius advocated benevolence as the core and put forward a unique view of righteousness and interests, constructing the main structure of Confucianism. Mencius advocated the theory of goodness of nature and put forward the thought of benevolent government, which developed Confucianism on the thought of Confucius. After dong Zhongshu's innovation, Confucianism adapted to the development of a unified society, but compared with Confucius and Mencius, there are certain differences. After emperor Wudi , Confucianism became the main cultural subject and mainstream ideology in traditional Chinese society. By comparing the differences between the two theories, this paper will help us enhance our cultural confidence, and provide a relatively new perspective for understanding Confucian culture.
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