International Journal of Education
International Journal of Education. 2022; 4: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20220034 .
总浏览量: 547
西藏大学文学院 西藏拉萨
*通讯作者: 久血杰,单位:西藏大学文学院 西藏拉萨;
据敦煌藏文文献,“拉”也是吐蕃时期召集议事会的一处重要地点,由吐蕃大论主持的吐蕃议事会在此地召开多次。“拉”相关的地还有”拉”之“布穷”(glag gi pu chung)“洛”之“玉阶”(glag gi ryu bye)等等重要历史地名,可见拉为较大地域概念。但古藏文文献仅仅记载了召集议事会的地点,有关腊的具体地望情况却无任何记述。但通过对后世历史文献的有关记载,我们可以大致地考证“拉[glag]”及相关个别几处重要历史地名地理位置和地域概念。
The name of the "Balam" appeared in Dunhuang Tibetan ancient book don chen gnad bsdus lo tshigs .It Is interpreted as the location of funeral palace of Mang Srong Mang Btsan, but can't find detailed information in it. The recordings in lde'u chos 'byung contribute to find location of "Balam". According to the book, there are 65 sthan in Tibetan. In Dunhuang Chinese documents "Sthan" is translated into "geeral" local institutions, which are managed by 65 local officials, including Dbus Ru local government There is the place name "Balam". "bka' thang sde lnga" contains Balam Dbus Ru and points out the location of Balam, but it can not be proved until now. According to records, a joint noun appears in the word "Balam", which is "Balam GLag" There is also a separate " [glag]"According to the Dunhuang Tibetan literature, "glag" was also an important place to convene the Tubo Council during the Tubo Period. The Tubo Council chaired by the blon chen po ,held here many times.. "Glag is also related to" glag gi pu chung ", "glag gi ryu bye "and other important historical place names, which shows that Glag is a larger regional concept. However, the ancient Tibetan documents only recorded the place where the Council was convened, but there was no description of the specific situation of Gla.
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