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International Journal of Education. 2022; 4: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20220030 .

Research on Tibetan Orthography Based on Phonemic Variation and Context——Taking "sar" of "lo sar" as an example
基于音位变异与语境研究藏文正字法——以“lo sar”的“sar”为例

作者: 卓杨加 *

西藏大学文学院 西藏拉萨

*通讯作者: 卓杨加,单位:西藏大学文学院 西藏拉萨;

引用本文: 卓杨加 基于音位变异与语境研究藏文正字法——以“lo sar”的“sar”为例[J]. 国际教育学, 2022; 4: (2) : 58-60.
Published: 2022/6/14 18:53:59


新年一词在藏文有两种不同的拼写法,即“lo sar”和“lo gsar”。无论哪一种拼写法都很早的文献材料记载过。对这两个词应用与对诸学者有不同的见解。本文认为两者是命名焦点不同的两个词,“lo gsar”的意思是新的年。而“lo sar”则有不同的意思,通过藏语中的塞擦音和擦音语音关系与 “lo sar”的“sar”在实际语言环境中的用法的结合分析,并推断出“lo sar”的“sar”是“tshar”的语音变体。故“lo sar”旧年过已过去之意。

关键词: 藏语;“lo sar”;“lo sar”


The word New Year has two different spellings in Tibetan, namely "lo sar" and "lo gsar". Either spelling is well documented in the early literature. The application of these two terms differ from that of scholars. This article considers the two words with different naming, "logsar" means new year. And "lo sar" has different meanings. Through the combined analysis of the phonetic relationship between affricate and fricative in Tibetan and the usage of "sar" of "lo sar" in the actual language environment, it is inferred that "lo sar" "sar" is a phonetic variant of "tshar". Therefore, "lo sar" means that the old year has passed.

Key words: Tibetan language; "lo sar"; "lo gsar"

参考文献 References

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[3] 华侃主编,《藏语安多方言词汇》[M],甘肃民族出版社,2002年6月第一版, 编号在表格上。

[4] 华侃主编,《藏语安多方言词汇》[M],甘肃民族出版社,2002年6月第一版, 编号在表格上。

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