Journal of Culture and Tourism Research
Journal of Culture and Tourism Research. 2022; 1: (2) ; 10.12208/j.jctr.20220009 .
总浏览量: 469
安庆师范大学人文学院 安徽安庆
*通讯作者: 刘梦玲,单位:安庆师范大学人文学院 安徽安庆;
世界上的园林分为三个系统——欧洲园林、西亚园林和中国园林,我国的园林在世界园林史上独树一帜,地位非凡。我国地大物博,南北方的园林建筑工艺也是各不相同的,中国四大名园(The Four Most famous gardens of China)被公认为是中国最优秀最具代表性的园林建筑,它们分别是北京颐和园、河北避暑山庄、江苏拙政园以及江苏留园。其中颐和园和避暑山庄在中国都是赫赫有名的园林艺术,今天我想探讨一下占据中国四大名园半壁江山的园林即江苏的园林艺术——以扬州园林与苏州园林举例对比。
The gardens in the world are divided into three systems - European gardens, West Asian gardens and Chinese gardens, and the gardens in China are unique and extraordinary in the history of gardens in the world. The Four Most famous gardens of China (The Four Most famous gardens of China) are recognized as the best and most representative garden architecture in China, which are the Summer Palace in Beijing, the Summer Palace in Hebei, the Humble Administrator's Garden in Jiangsu and the Liuyuan Garden in Jiangsu. Today I would like to discuss the garden art of Jiangsu, the garden that occupies half of the four famous gardens in China - taking the Yangzhou garden and the Suzhou garden as examples for comparison.
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