Journal of Culture and Tourism Research
Journal of Culture and Tourism Research. 2022; 1: (2) ; 10.12208/j.jctr.20220008 .
总浏览量: 731
新疆农业大学 新疆乌鲁木齐
*通讯作者: 努尔古丽•阿不都苏力,单位:新疆农业大学 新疆乌鲁木齐;
目的 发展乡村旅游是乡村振兴战略的有效途径,探究乡村旅游与农民增收效果,为乡村旅游振兴战略提供理论支撑。方法 基于乡村可持续发展理论,通过样本数据分析农民4种主要收入,确立4大指标体系13个二级指标体系。运用多元线性回归方法,分别对指标体系对农民收入效果进行分析。结论 乡村旅游促使农民收入发生根本变化,促进农牧产品销售逐渐增长,促进农民工资性收入增加,激发农民入股以及出租土地或房产收入取得突破。
Objective Under the background of Rural Revitalization Strategy, the development of rural tourism is an effective way of Rural Revitalization Strategy. Exploring the effect of rural tourism and increasing farmers' income can provide theoretical support for rural tourism Revitalization Strategy in Northwest China. Method Based on the theory of rural sustainable development, combined with the basic situation of Urumqi county in Xinjiang, this paper analyzes the four main incomes of farmers through sample data, and establishes four index systems and 13 secondary index systems. Using multiple linear regression method, this paper analyzes the effect of index system on Farmers' income. Conclusion rural tourism promotes the fundamental change of farmers' income, the gradual growth of agricultural and animal husbandry products sales, the increase of farmers' wage income, and the breakthrough of farmers' equity and land or real estate rental income
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