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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (3) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220091 .

Application of CBL combined with PBL teaching method in clinical practice teaching of thoracic surgery

作者: 孙晓宏 *, 肖乐婷, 陈玲

新疆医科大学附属肿瘤医院 新疆乌鲁木齐

*通讯作者: 孙晓宏,单位:新疆医科大学附属肿瘤医院 新疆乌鲁木齐;

引用本文: 孙晓宏, 肖乐婷, 陈玲 CBL联合PBL教学法在胸外科临床见习教学中的应用[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2022; 6: (3) : 13-16.
Published: 2022/5/27 18:02:42


目的 探讨CBL联合PBL教学法在胸外科临床见习教学中的应用及效果。方法 抽取新疆医科大学厚博学院五年制临床医学系2个年级本科生共227人,将这227人分为两组,采用CBL+PBL教学法的实验组110人,采用传统教学法的对照组117人,对照组采用传统教学法。授课结束后进行教学效果评价、理论课考试及实习考试。结果 CBL联合PBL组在教学效果评价、理论课考试及实习考试三个方面均优于传统教学法,且具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 在胸外科临床见习教学过程中,采用CBL联合PBL的方式可以取得较好的课堂效果。

关键词: 胸外科教学;CBL;PBL;传统教学方法


Objective To explore the application and effect of CBL combined with PBL teaching method in clinical practice teaching of thoracic surgery.
Methods A total of 227 undergraduates in two grades of the five-year clinical medicine department of Houbo College, Xinjiang Medical University were selected, and the 227 people were divided into two groups. There were 110 people in the experimental group using the CBL+PBL teaching method, and the control group using the traditional teaching method. There were 117 people in the group, and the control group adopted the traditional teaching method. After the lecture, the evaluation of teaching effect, theory examination and practical examination will be conducted.
Results The CBL combined with PBL group was superior to the traditional teaching method in three aspects of teaching effect evaluation, theory class examination and practical examination, and it was statistically significant (P<0.05).
Conclusion   In the process of clinical probationary teaching in thoracic surgery, the use of CBL combined with PBL can achieve better classroom results.

Key words: Thoracic Surgery Teaching; CBL; PBL; Traditional Teaching Methods

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