International Medical Research Frontier
International Medical Research Frontier. 2022; 6: (1) ; 10.12208/j.imrf.20220034 .
总浏览量: 652
广东岭南职业技术学院 广东广州
*通讯作者: 李岩,单位:广东岭南职业技术学院 广东广州;
The research content of this paper is mainly for the determination of Yunzhi glycopeptide liquid culture and HPGFC, in order to screen Yunzhi strains with relatively high content of active ingredients and glycopeptides, optimize the medium, and expand the method in a 30L fermenter experiment of. Relevant results showed that in the 30L fermenter, after the fermentation time was as long as 96 hours, the net weight of the bacteria could reach 24.29g per liter, and the yield of glycopeptides could reach 1.63g per liter. In addition, according to relevant measurements, it was found that the peak time of the extracted glycopeptides was relatively consistent with the time of the reference substance, and the protein content and sugar content were also consistent with the national drug management standards, which provided the industrial fermentation of Yunzhi glycopeptides. strong foundation support. In this paper, the liquid fermentation conditions and extraction process of Yunzhi glycopeptides were mainly explored.
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