Journal of Modern Business Administration
Journal of Modern Business Administration. 2022; 2: (1) ; 10.12208/j.jmba.20220010 .
总浏览量: 589
大冶市裕丰矿业有限公司 湖北大冶
*通讯作者: 袁瑞瑞,单位:大冶市裕丰矿业有限公司 湖北大冶;
The current smart contract is a transaction program that can automatically execute prefabricated rules and treaties. In recent years, with the innovation and development of blockchain technology, it has not only attracted much attention but also been widely used in various industries. Because smart contracts are independently self-validated and automatically executed in a network environment, there are many security problems. This article analyzes the potential security risks of smart contracts in blockchain, and proposes a comprehensive and effective security mechanism based on actual business development scenarios, hoping to provide some help for the secure application of smart contracts in blockchain in cross-border trade.
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