International Journal of Internal Medicine
International Journal of Internal Medicine. 2022; 3: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ijim.20220001 .
总浏览量: 2812
江苏大学附属武进医院 江苏常州
徐州医科大学武进临床学院 江苏常州
*通讯作者: 吴赛萍,单位:江苏大学附属武进医院 江苏常州;
目的 在信息环境下利用PDCA管理方法提高对新冠肺炎密接人员集中隔离点工作人员感染防控的效果。方法 选取扬州广陵区14家新冠肺炎密接人员集中隔离点的感染防控管理为研究对象,感控专职人员对各隔离点通过现场及网络教学,督查、反馈、整改、追踪的方法进行新冠肺炎感染防控知识培训,培训前后进行评估,并对培训前后的评估结果和效果检查进行比较。结果 隔离点人员培训前后考核、落实情况之间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),手卫生落实、医疗垃圾规范处置、环境清洁消毒、突发应急预案知晓均达到100%。结论 通过利用PDCA及网络化的科学管理,增强隔离驻点工作人员对新冠肺炎感染防控规范知识的了解,有效提高感染防控能力,保证新冠肺炎密接人员集中隔离点的工作人员和隔离人员安全。
Objective: In the information environment, the PDCA management method is used to improve the effect of infection prevention and control for the staff in the centralized isolation point of the new coronary pneumonia. Methods The infection prevention and control management of 14 centralized isolation points for new coronary pneumonia close contacts in Guangling District, Yangzhou was selected as the research object, and the full-time infection control personnel conducted on-site and online teaching, supervision, feedback, rectification and tracking methods for each isolation point. Infection prevention and control knowledge training, evaluation before and after training, and comparison of evaluation results and effect inspection before and after training. Results There were statistically significant differences between the assessment and implementation of personnel at isolation points before and after training (P<0.05). The implementation of hand hygiene, standardized disposal of medical waste, environmental cleaning and disinfection, and awareness of emergency response plans all reached 100%. Conclusion Through the use of PDCA and networked scientific management, the knowledge of the quarantine staff at the isolation site is enhanced, the infection prevention and control capabilities are effectively improved, and the safety of the staff and isolation personnel at the centralized isolation point for close contact with the novel coronavirus pneumonia is ensured.
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