Journal of Modern Business Administration
Journal of Modern Business Administration. 2022; 2: (1) ; 10.12208/j.jmba.20220006 .
总浏览量: 611
云南工商学院 云南昆明
*通讯作者: 黄辰,单位:云南工商学院 云南昆明;
Usually, in the enterprise recruitment decision-making, manual management is often used, which leads to the low accuracy of talent screening. For this reason, a management method for enterprise recruitment decision-making based on data envelopment analysis is proposed. By completing the plan for the number of job recruits, clarifying the relationship between supply and demand of positions within the enterprise, designing data indicators for enterprise recruitment decision-making, using data envelopment analysis to establish a talent screening model, and further completing the recruitment decision management and talent transfer decision management system based on industry employment standards. Construct. The experimental results show that the method obtained in this study has an average accuracy of 97.74% in the face of the accuracy test of job matching in enterprises, which can effectively improve the management of enterprise recruitment decisions and improve the efficiency of talent screening.
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