Journal of Engineering Research
Journal of Engineering Research. 2022; 1: (1) ; 10.12208/j.jer.20220003 .
总浏览量: 493
交通运输部北海救助局 山东烟台
*通讯作者: 于勇鑫,单位:交通运输部北海救助局 山东烟台;
与传统柴油机相比,电喷共轨柴油机之所以可以优化燃油喷射、降低燃油消耗、降低最小排烟量、降低NOx排放量,主要是其喷射系统的改进。高共轨喷射压力,微机精确计算喷油量、喷射时间等优化方式,使共轨电喷柴油机无论在高、低负荷时都可以达到喷油雾化好, 燃烧充分的效果。然而,电喷共轨柴油机的发展时间不长,对柴油机管理人员来说,需要补充的知识和经验还很多。MAN L48/60CR型柴油机是一款新型共轨电喷四冲程柴油机,在国内船舶装配较少,对其日常管理和处理故障方面的经验较少。笔者本着学习此型号柴油机的态度,通过与传统四冲程柴油机的比较学习,简单介绍MAN L48/60CR型柴油机转速控制与检测,归纳此类设计的优点和不足,以便加深印象并为管理者作借鉴。本文首先,通过简单介绍传统柴油机转速控制与检测过程,了解其主要部件功能;其次,阐述MAN L48/60CR型共轨电喷四冲程柴油机转速控制与检测过程,了解相关部件功能;最后,明确MAN L48/60CR型共轨电喷四冲程柴油机转速控制与检测部件功能与传统柴油机部件功能替代关系,总结此类设计的优缺点。
Compared with traditional diesel engines, electronic fuel injection common rail diesel engines have advantages including optimizing fuel injection, reducing fuel consumption, reducing the minimum smoke emission and reducing emissions of NOx. All this due to the improvement of its injection system. These optimization methods enable common rail diesel engines to achieve good atomization and full combustion at both high and low loads. However, the development time of common rail diesel engine is not long, and there is still a lot of knowledge and experience to supplement for diesel engine management personnel. MAN L48/60CR diesel engine is a new type of common rail electronic fuel injection four-stroke diesel engine, which is less assembled in domestic ships and less experienced in daily management and troubleshooting. Based on the attitude of learning this type of diesel engine and comparing with the traditional four-stroke diesel engine, the author briefly introduces the speed control and detection of MAN L48/60CR diesel engine, summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of design, so as to deepen the impression and provide reference for managers First of all, the paper introduces the traditional diesel engine speed control and detection process in order to understand function of main components; Secondly, the speed control and testing process of MAN L48/60CR common rail electronic fuel injection four-stroke diesel engine are described to understand the functions of related components. Finally, the relationship between the function of speed control and detection components of this two types of engines is clarified, and the advantages and disadvantages of this design are summarized.
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