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International Journal of Education. 2022; 4: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20220022 .

Research on the function of scientific research background in graduate school recommendation exemption

作者: 陈景怡, 闫憬鹏 *

青鹏国际探索研究中心 湖南长沙

中国管理科学研究院商学院 北京;
吉首大学物理与机电工程学院 湖南吉首

*通讯作者: 闫憬鹏,单位:中国管理科学研究院商学院 北京;吉首大学物理与机电工程学院 湖南吉首;

引用本文: 陈景怡, 闫憬鹏 科研背景在研究生推荐免试中的作用研究[J]. 国际教育学, 2022; 4: (2) : 20-26.
Published: 2022/5/10 22:40:59


目的 研究科研背景在研究生推荐免试中的作用。方法 抽样检索中国985高校及211高校的研究生推荐免试方法文件,查阅文件中专家推荐信、科研项目及科研产出等相关要求。归纳总结科研背景影响录取的权重。结果 对科研产出(论文、科研成果、课题等)有36所985高校在推免政策中明确提出: 本科就读期间曾参加科学研究、全国竞赛等活动,表现突出(有公开发表的学术论文或获奖证书)者优先考虑。结论 学术研究方面的能力和表现,是衡量一个学生综合素质的重要标准,也是众多高校选拔推荐免试研究生、导师挑选心仪学生的重要参考要素之一。不同高校对申请者科研方面的要求,不尽相同,但共同之处在于,本科阶段就已经在科研方面表现出色的学生更受导师和高校青睐。

关键词: 大学生;科研背景;推荐免试;学术论文


Objective To study the use of research background in graduate student recommendation for exemption.
Methods To sample and search Chinese 985 colleges and universities and some 211 colleges and universities retrieved the documents on the method of graduate student recommendation and exemption, and reviewed the information on expert recommendation letters, research projects and research output in the documents. Summarize the weights affecting admissions.
Results For scientific research output (thesis, scientific research results, projects, etc.) 36 universities in the exemption policy clearly put forward: for the undergraduate period in the core journals and above academic journals published papers, scientific research achievements award, in the national high-level science and technology competition in the school will be given priority consideration.
Conclusion   The ability and performance of academic research is an important measure of a student's overall quality, and is also one of the important reference factors for many universities to select students for recommendation for graduate school exemption and for instructors to select students of their choice. Different universities have different requirements for applicants in terms of research, but what is common is that students who have already performed well in research at the undergraduate level are more favored by instructors and universities.

Key words: University students; Research background; Recommendation for exemption; Academic papers

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