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International Journal of Education. 2022; 4: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20220020 .

Strategic Thinking on College Enrollment of Students Compete

作者: 孙竞 *

中国医学科学院北京协和医学院生物医学工程研究所科教处 天津

*通讯作者: 孙竞,单位:中国医学科学院北京协和医学院生物医学工程研究所科教处 天津;


引用本文: 孙竞 关于高校生源竞争与招生宣传的策略思考[J]. 国际教育学, 2022; 4: (2) : 11-13.
Published: 2022/5/10 22:34:45



关键词: 生源竞争;高校扩招;招生营销;择校因素


Early affected by population policy, the birth rate have shown a clear downward trend. One of the chain reaction of social education produce, and even if the number of college entrance examination along with decline in sync and scholars have analyzed this trend will accelerate signs. With the formation of the corresponding domestic major universities each year the number of students enrollment plan for adjustments to increase still the main line, followed by a decline in the number of reference with the confrontation between rising enrollment.This paper will present students school choice factors as the starting point, students started to cause instability Universities factor analysis, and to put forward to enhance the competitiveness of related colleges and universities students strategies to reform domestic universities, innovation and a series of measures effective implementation provide a useful reference.

Key words: Competition for Student Resources; Marketing; factor

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