Contemporary Nursing
Contemporary Nursing. 2022; 3: (2) ; 10.12208/ .
总浏览量: 496
广东省佛山市中医院 广东佛山
*通讯作者: 庞建萍,单位:广东省佛山市中医院 广东佛山;
目的 探讨子午心经经络拍打和经络按摩对中医胸痹心痛患者的治疗效果。方法 选取2020年12月~2021年12月广东省佛山中医院心血管内科收治的胸痹心痛患者159例进行对照实验,以随机数字表法将其分成3组,其中A组单纯予以子午心经经络拍打治疗,B组单纯予以经络按摩治疗,C组予以子午心经经络拍打和经络按摩联合治疗,比较三组临床症状评分差异。结果 A组中医正庄积分总有效率84.62%,B组84.91%,C组94.44%。干预后C组中医症状积分疗效三项指标均低于A、B组,而A、B组相比无显著差异。干预后C组PL、AS、AF、TS、DP均高于A、B组,但A、B组干预相比均无显著差异。结论 在中医胸痹心痛的临床治疗中单独予以子午心经经络拍打或经络按摩均有良好的临床效果,但笔者更倾向于将两者联合应用,效果更佳。
Objective To explore the therapeutic effect of Meridian beating and meridian massage on patients with chest arthralgia and heartache in Traditional Chinese medicine. Methods Selection in December 2020 to December 2021 in foshan, guangdong province hospital of 159 patients with cardiovascular internal medicine treating obstruction of heartache to carry on the control experiment, with random number table method, it is divided into three groups, one group A pure radial flap heart sutra meridian therapy, group B pure meridian massage therapy, group C meridian heart sutra meridian flap and meridian massage combined treatment, The clinical symptom scores of the three groups were compared. Results The total effective rate of ZHENGzhuang integral was 84.62% in group A, 84.91% in group B and 94.44% in group C. After intervention, the three indexes of TCM symptom integral curative effect in group C were lower than those in group A and B, while there was no significant difference between group A and B. After intervention, PL, AS, AF, TS and DP in group C were higher than those in group A and B, but there was no significant difference in group A and B. Conclusion In the clinical treatment of chest pain in Traditional Chinese medicine, meridian beating or meridian massage alone has good clinical effect, but the author prefers to combine the two, the effect is better.
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