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International Journal of Medicine and Data

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International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2022; 6: (1) ; 10.12208/ j.ijmd.20220001 .

Research and practice of ideological and political construction of clinical medicine specialty infectious disease course

作者: 孙立平 *

首都医科大学密云教学医院 北京

*通讯作者: 孙立平,单位:首都医科大学密云教学医院 北京;


引用本文: 孙立平 临床医学专业传染病学课程思政建设的研究与实践[J]. 国际医学与数据杂志, 2022; 6: (1) : 1-4.
Published: 2022/4/22 17:00:37



关键词: 临床医学专业传染病学;思政建设;价值;方法


From the perspective of the development of contemporary college education, curriculum ideological and political education will greatly affect the development of the "four in one" of college students' knowledge, ability, quality and personality, especially with the continuous development of modern clinical medicine, traditional . A single high-level professional talent can no longer satisfy the development and research of epidemiology in my country. It is necessary to cultivate compound talents with comprehensive professional knowledge and ability, high quality and excellent personality in order to provide a certain guarantee for the positive development of clinical epidemiology in my country. In the teaching of infectious diseases in clinical medicine, curriculum ideological and political education plays an important role in talent training. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to and strengthen the research and development of ideological and political construction of infectious diseases in clinical medicine majors, so as to contribute to the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases in clinical medicine majors in my country. Cultivate outstanding talents and effectively promote the research and development of clinical infectious disease prevention and treatment.

Key words: Epidemiology of clinical medicine; Ideological and political construction; Value; Method

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