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Modern Social Science Research. 2022; 2: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ssr.20220007 .

The enforceability of the VAM agreement between the investor and the target company

作者: 王金菊 *

浙江工商大学法学院 杭州浙江

*通讯作者: 王金菊,单位:浙江工商大学法学院 杭州浙江;

引用本文: 王金菊 论投资方与目标公司对赌协议的可履行性[J]. 现代社会科学研究, 2022; 2: (1) : 35-38.
Published: 2022/4/14 15:41:14



关键词: 对赌协议;履行不能;股权回购


In the mode of performance can not be judged, The Minutes of the National Courts' Civil and Commercial Trial Work Conference insists on the absolute status of judges, but the company's business decision-making is often more efficient, judicial business judgment is a more reasonable mode of judgment subject. In judging standards, The Minutes of the National Courts' Civil and Commercial Trial Work Conference adhere to the principle of capital maintenance, but the solvency standard can protect the interests of creditors, and not hinder the company's operation and development, is a more reasonable line. When judging whether the capital reduction procedure and the profit distribution procedure constitute an obstacle to the performance of the VAM agreement, the interests of the investor, the target company, the shareholders of the company and the creditors of the company should be balanced.

Key words: Valuation adjustment mechanism agreements; Impossibility of performance; Share repurchase.

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