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Modern Social Science Research. 2022; 2: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ssr.20220006 .

Research on the Application of Regional Development Model in Rural Community Governance——Taking D Village in Sichuan Province as an example

作者: 陈珂欣 *, 周炎炎

西南石油大学 四川成都

*通讯作者: 陈珂欣,单位:西南石油大学 四川成都;

引用本文: 陈珂欣, 周炎炎 地区发展模式在农村社区治理中的应用研究——以四川省D村为例[J]. 现代社会科学研究, 2022; 2: (1) : 30-34.
Published: 2022/4/14 15:35:12


在社区治理现代化持续不断发展的背景下,农村社区治理建设也如火如荼的开展,结合城市社区治理的经验,本文以地区发展模式为指导,充分发现与挖掘农村社区村民本身的能力及存在的自组织队伍的资源,对农村社区治理路径进行探析。文章最主要是对已有的实践进行总结探析,以四川省D村为例,对D村内社区治理的出现的问题,如自组织队伍定位不清晰、居民参与社区事务主动性低等进行分析,并在地区发展模式视角下提出增强自组织能力、进行骨干培训、开展丰富居民精神文化活动等策略。 【关键词】地区发展模式;农村社区;社区治理

关键词: 地区发展模式;农村社区;社区治理


Under the background of the continuous development of community governance modernization, the construction of rural community governance is also in full swing. Combined with the experience of urban community governance, this paper takes the regional development model as a guide to fully discover and explore the ability and existence of villagers in rural communities. The resources of the self-organized team are analyzed, and the path of rural community governance is analyzed. The main purpose of this article is to summarize and analyze the existing practice. Taking D Village in Sichuan Province as an example, it analyzes the problems of community governance in D Village, such as the unclear positioning of self-organized teams and the low initiative of residents to participate in community affairs. And from the perspective of regional development model, it puts forward strategies to enhance self-organization ability, carry out backbone training, and carry out activities to enrich residents' spiritual and cultural activities.

Key words: Regional development model; Rural community; Community governance

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