International Journal of Nursing Research
International Journal of Nursing Research. 2022; 4: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr. 20220018 .
总浏览量: 535
云南省第三人民医院泌尿外科 云南昆明
*通讯作者: 念海峡,单位:云南省第三人民医院泌尿外科 云南昆明;
目的 探讨在择期尿路结石手术患者采取不同护理模式与其心理应激、依从性的联系,并分析两者相关性。方法 研究中共选取128例患者进行对比实验,遵照随机性原则进行摇号分组,对照与观察组分别64例患者,前者采取临床护理路径,后者在此基础上增加心理护理,对比两组护理前后应激评分、治疗依从性,并分析相关性。结果 经研究表明,护理后观察组患者的心理应激评分均低于护理前与对照组,同时依从性相对较高(P<0.05),而对照组护理前后均无明显差异。(P>0.05)。通过分析后多的,应激评分与患者的依从性有显著负相关联系。结论 对于择期尿路结石手术患者而言,心理护理干预手段的实施不仅能够对其心理应激反应起达一定改善作用,更能够从根本上提高患者的依从性,而且心理应激与依从性存在显著负相关。
Objective: To explore the relationship between different nursing modes and their psychological stress and compliance in patients undergoing elective urolithiasis surgery, and to analyze the correlation between the two. Methods: A total of 128 patients were selected for comparative experiment in the study. According to the principle of randomness, they were divided into groups by lottery. There were 64 patients in the control group and the observation group. The former took the clinical nursing path, and the latter added psychological nursing on this basis. Stress scores, treatment adherence, and correlations were analyzed. Results: The study showed that the psychological stress scores of the observation group after nursing were lower than those before nursing and the control group, and the compliance was relatively high (P<0.05), while there was no significant difference in the control group before and after nursing. (P>0.05). After analysis, the stress score was significantly negatively correlated with the patient's compliance. Conclusion : For patients undergoing elective urolithiasis surgery, the implementation of psychological nursing interventions can not only improve their psychological stress response to a certain extent, but also fundamentally improve the patient's compliance, and psychological stress and compliance. There is a significant negative correlation.
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