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International Journal of Education

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International Journal of Education. 2022; 4: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20220011 .

Exploration on the construction of school moral education brand activities based on the educational thought of Xingzhi——Taking the Chengbei Campus of Zhongshan Middle School in Guilin City as an example

作者: 蒋立玲 *

桂林市中山中学 广西桂林

*通讯作者: 蒋立玲,单位:桂林市中山中学 广西桂林;


引用本文: 蒋立玲 以行知教育思想构建学校德育品牌活动的探索——以桂林市中山中学城北校区为例[J]. 国际教育学, 2022; 4: (1) : 32-35.
Published: 2022/3/21 17:35:37



关键词: 行知教育;思想德育探索


By carefully interpreting the spirit of Xingzhi educational thought, this paper fully realizes the positive effect of Xingzhi educational thought in school moral education. Combined with the actual situation of the school, we actively plan various moral education brand activities that incorporate Xingzhi education ideas, collect and sort out some modes of moral education brand activities, and play a certain role in better playing the role of Xingzhi education ideas in school moral education work. reference.

Key words: Xingzhi education thought and moral education exploration

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