International Journal of Education
International Journal of Education. 2022; 4: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20220010 .
总浏览量: 750
山东劳动职业技术学院 山东济南
*通讯作者: 耿际华,单位:山东劳动职业技术学院 山东济南;
Vocational quality education shoulders the major task of cultivating advanced workers and technical and technical talents for the country's social and economic development. To love socialism, it is necessary to highly integrate the training of skilled personnel with patriotic education to help students establish the great ideal of serving the country. This study starts from the current situation of patriotism education, comprehensively and systematically analyzes the theory of patriotism education, grasps the core elements of patriotism education in vocational colleges in the new era, and uses theory as a guide to innovate and explore organizational leadership, system innovation, teacher construction, curriculum construction, and practice. Six specific implementation paths, such as platform construction and evaluation system construction, expand the structural core of each part to make it harmonious, unified and integrated, and jointly create a new model of patriotic education in vocational colleges in the new era.
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