Journal of Culture and Tourism Research
Journal of Culture and Tourism Research. 2022; 1: (1) ; 10.12208/j.jctr. 20220006 .
总浏览量: 638
甘肃农业大学 甘肃兰州
*通讯作者: 徐波,单位:甘肃农业大学 甘肃兰州;
With the continuous development of social economy and science and technology, my country's development strategy has also undergone great changes. In the current social development, the most important thing is to implement the "Belt and Road" strategy. The strengthening of the "Belt and Road" can effectively To improve the actual effect of my country's development, since the "Belt and Road" is outward-looking, persistent and global, it is necessary to maintain a high degree of attention in the process of development. There are also some problems in the continuous development of the cultural industry. To improve these problems, it is necessary to use the "One Belt, One Road" strategy to promote the improvement of the development level of the cultural industry. Only by improving the cultural industry can it promote the development of my country's cultural soft power. . This article is mainly to analyze and study the impact and countermeasures of the "Belt and Road" on the development of cultural industries.
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