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Journal of Culture and Tourism Research

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Journal of Culture and Tourism Research. 2022; 1: (1) ; 10.12208/j.jctr. 20220005 .

Research on the cross-border integration and development of the art industry and the emerging cultural industry

作者: 刘玲 *

安庆师范大学 安徽安庆

*通讯作者: 刘玲,单位:安庆师范大学 安徽安庆;


引用本文: 刘玲 艺术品产业与新兴文化产业的跨界融合发展问题研究[J]. 文化和旅游研究, 2022; 1: (1) : 22-24.
Published: 2022/2/18 18:00:09



关键词: 艺术品产业;新兴文化产业;跨界;融合;策略


Nowadays, the key to the adjustment of my country's art industry is the cross-border integration and development of the art industry and emerging cultural industries. This article is aimed at the problems of my country's art market, based on the theory and industrial policy of cross-border integration, and analyzes Guided by the industrial coupling mechanism, this paper analyzes the effective strategies for cross-border integration of the art industry and the emerging cultural industry.

Key words: Art Industry, Emerging Cultural Industry, Cross-Border, Integration, Strategy

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