Journal of Earth Science Research
Journal of Earth Science Research. 2022; 1: (1) ; 10.12208/j.jesr. 20220001 .
总浏览量: 3088
云南大学工商管理与旅游管理学院 云南昆明
中国旅游研究院边境旅游研究基地 云南昆明
*通讯作者: 王桀,单位:云南大学工商管理与旅游管理学院 云南昆明;
Border tourism has an important impact on the economic development of border areas and the relationship between neighboring countries. It is the main means to promote the development of regional integration and strengthen cross-border tourism cooperation. Although domestic scholars have studied the concept, function and influence of border tourism, compared with foreign related research, there are still some problems such as limited research topics, insufficient research depth and lack of comprehensive understanding. Based on 1159 English literatures published in English journals from 1999 to 2019, this paper makes a visual analysis of the time distribution, keyword emergence and clustering characteristics of border tourism research field, and comprehensively combs the research progress and main contents of foreign border tourism. It is found that the research on border tourism in English literature is mainly concentrated in the fields of geography and political science. With the complexity and dynamics of border issues, the research perspective of border tourism begins to shift to economics and management. This paper proposes that the study of border tourism should also highlight the perspective of tourism discipline, focusing on the border tourism system, border tourism attractions, border tourism impact and border effect.
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