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International Journal of Education

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International Journal of Education. 2022; 4: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20220002 .

Teaching points of Chinese character logo design in teaching

作者: 桑晓攀 *

郑州经贸学院 河南郑州

*通讯作者: 桑晓攀,单位:郑州经贸学院 河南郑州;


引用本文: 桑晓攀 汉字标志设计在教学中的讲授要点[J]. 国际教育学, 2022; 4: (1) : 63-66.
Published: 2022/3/22 16:15:23



关键词: 汉字元素;教学要点;标志设计


Chinese characters are a kind of design element with vitality and appeal. As one of the manifestations of logo design, Chinese characters add abstract and interesting artistic language to the design. Based on its own teaching experience, this paper starts from the classification and design methods of Chinese character symbols, and analyzes the main points of teaching. It also guides students to focus on refining the design from the three perspectives of "shape", "meaning" and "potential" when designing Chinese characters. Logo design is inherited and innovative.

Key words: Chinese Character Elements; Teaching Points; Logo Design

参考文献 References

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