International Journal of Clinical Research
International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220008 .
总浏览量: 1473
如皋市妇幼保健计划生育服务中心 江苏如皋
南通大学附属如皋医院 江苏如皋
*通讯作者: 李鸿斌,单位:如皋市妇幼保健计划生育服务中心 江苏如皋;
目的 探索建立中国0-2岁儿童体重平均增长量。方法 通过建立验证模型,比较横向与纵向观察体重测量值的平均增长量,论证基于横断面调查建立纵向观察平均增长量的可行性。收集1975年至2015年历次全国九市儿童体格发育调查的0-2岁儿童体重测量值均值,以初生和各月龄体重按时间顺序构建动态数列。以初生体重为基期水平,及第8版实用儿科学测算增长值的年龄段,分别计算历次调查不同月龄段的体重平均增长量(kg/月),进行纵向、横向、性别及城郊比较。再按2005年的调查结果,计算不同百分位数的体重平均增长量(kg/月)。结果 经验证纵向观察的体重平均增长量与横向观察的计算结果相同。1975年、1985年、1995年、2005年、2015年等五个调查阶段以初生体重为基期水平的体重平均增长量,随月龄增长逐月减小,0-1月龄阶段最大、0-24月龄阶段最小;相同月龄阶段体重平均增长量男童大于女童,从0-3月龄阶段开始城区大于郊区,随着月龄增长男女差值、城郊差值渐次减小、愈发接近。1975-2005年间4个调查阶段儿童体重平均增长量呈逐期增大现象,2015年城区较2005年呈减小现象,郊区仍呈现稍许增大现象。8版实用儿科学年龄段及2005年不同百分位数的体重平均增长量与历次调查的变化规律相类似。结论 基于横断面调查建立纵向观察体重平均增长量是可行的。历次调查0-2岁儿童体重平均增长量呈相似的变化规律。2005年不同百分位数体重平均增长量分布值的应用价值需要论证。
Objective To explore the establishment of the average weight growth of 0-2 years old children in China. Methods By establishing a validation model, then compared the average increase in body weight measurements observed horizontally and longitudinally, finally demonstrated the feasibility of establishing longitudinal observed average growth based on cross-sectional survey.Collected the average weight measurements aged 0-2 years old in every survey from 1975 to 2015 in China, The dynamic series of birth weight and weight of each month were constructed in chronological order. Based on the birth weight, the growth age calculated by the 8th edition of Practical Pediatrics.The average weight growth (kg / month) of different month age groups in previous surveys was calculated, then longitudinal, horizontal, gender and suburban comparisonwere made. At last calculated the average weight gain of different percentiles (kg/ month) by the survey results of 2005. Results It was verified that the average weight gain of longitudinal observation was the same as that of transverse observation. The average growth of body weight based on the birth weight decreased with the increase of month age in 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005 and 2015.The weight gain was greatest at 0-1 month of age, was smallest at 0-24 month of age. The average increase of body weight at the same month age was greater in boys than in girls. The average increase of body weight from 0 to 3 months of age was greater in urban areas than in suburban areas. With the increase of month age, the difference between male and female and the difference between urban and rural areas gradually decreased.The average increase of children's body weight increased gradually in the four investigation stages from 1975 to 2005.Ccompared with 2005,the increase of urban body weight decreased in 2015, but increased in the suburbs. The average weight growth of different percentiles in 2005 and the 8th edition of Practical Pediatrics age group were similar to the law of change in previous investigations. Conclusion s It is feasible to establish longitudinal observation of average weight gain based on cross-sectional survey. The average weight gain of children aged 0-2 years showed a similar change rule in the past investigations. The application value of the distribution values of the average increase in body weight at different percentiles in 2005 needs to be demonstrated.
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