International Journal of Clinical Research
International Journal of Clinical Research. 2021; 5: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20210046 .
总浏览量: 1264
珙县人民医院 四川珙县
*通讯作者: 宗庆春,单位:珙县人民医院 四川珙县;
目的 了解珙县少数民族经济欠发达地区青少年视力状况,科学合理地开展视力保健工作,研究汉族与苗族近视发病率的差异性,为国家自然科研中国人种近视基因靶点位的研究提供基础研究。方法 采用标准对数视力表距离5 m分别检查单眼裸眼视力及矫正视力,对单眼或双眼远视力低于5.0者进行常规眼科检查,以排除因器质性疾病引起的视力低常。对珙县中学在校高中生1137人由同一个检查组在同一检查室进行检查。结果 汉族高中生近视发病率为71.11%,苗族高中生近视发病率为37.29%。汉族学生视力低常率远远高于苗族学生。汉族与苗族间的差异,有高度显著性。结论 汉族高中生的近视发病率显著高于苗族高中生,有必要对汉族与苗族学生的生活习性、学习习惯、遗传基因,尤其是对汉族与苗族的近视基因靶点位差异性进行对照研究。
Objective: To understand the vision status of adolescents in the economically underdeveloped ethnic minority areas of Gongxian County, to carry out vision care scientifically and rationally, to study the difference in the incidence of myopia between the Han and Miao nationalities, and to provide research on the target sites of myopia genes in the Chinese race of the National Natural Science Research Institute basic research. Method A standard logarithmic visual acuity chart distance of 5 m was used to check the uncorrected and corrected visual acuity of one eye, and routine ophthalmological examinations were performed for those with distance visual acuity of less than 5.0 in one or both eyes to rule out poor visual acuity caused by organic diseases. 1137 high school students in Gongxian Middle School were examined by the same inspection team in the same examination room. Results The incidence of myopia among Han high school students was 71.11%, and that of Miao high school students was 37.29%. The low vision rate of Han students is much higher than that of Miao students. The difference between the Han and Miao nationalities is highly significant. Conclusion The incidence of myopia among Han high school students is significantly higher than that of Miao high school students. It is necessary to compare the living habits, learning habits, genetic genes of Han and Miao students, especially the differences in target sites of myopia genes between Han and Miao ethnic groups. Research.
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