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Journal of Culture and Tourism Research. 2022; 1: (1) ; 10.12208/j.jctr. 20210001 .

Research on the Protection and Utilization of Ancient Villages in Fuzhou

作者: 谢雅卉 *

广东技术师范大学美术学院 广东广州

*通讯作者: 谢雅卉,单位:广东技术师范大学美术学院 广东广州;


引用本文: 谢雅卉 抚州古村落的保护与利用研究[J]. 文化和旅游研究, 2022; 1: (1) : 1-10.
Published: 2021/10/26 11:10:28



关键词: 抚州古村落;金溪县;保护与利用;SWOT模型


This article takes the ancient village clusters in Jinxi County, Fuzhou as the research object, discusses the protection and development and utilization of ancient villages in Fuzhou. The purpose is to provide follow-up protection and development plans for ancient villages in Jinxi County, and solve the shortcomings in the protection and development and utilization of ancient villages in Jinxi County. This research combines sociology and management research perspectives, through field investigations in some villages in Jinxi County. Based on the SWOT model, it uses four advantages: advantages, disadvantages, threats, and opportunities. Dimensions to evaluate the protection, development and utilization of ancient villages in Jinxi County.The study found that for the actual evaluation of the ancient villages in Fuzhou, the government, industry, and villagers are closely related, and there are contradictions that affect each other. Therefore, this study provides several suggestions:The first is that the government should break the original singular service model, integrate resources, and promote multiple governance models; the second is the industrial development of ancient villages in Fuzhou, which should deeply explore the uniqueness of the village’s own culture, avoid superficial formalization, and improve the village Governance efficiency, encourage the return of the labor force, encourage villagers to return to their hometowns to start businesses, and effectively solve the "empty nest" crisis of ancient villages; the third is to enhance villagers’ awareness of village protection, and villages should establish a “bottom-up” governance model and establish a two-way The communication platform demonstrates the function of community autonomy and really guarantees the rights of villagers to participate in community autonomy.

Key words: Fuzhou Ancient Villages; Jinxi County; Protection and Development; SWOT Model

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