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International Journal of Education. 2021; 3: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20210019 .

Survey of online courses for college students under the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic

作者: 史礼帅, 梅爱红, 史久美, 韩颖, 于宏, 张燕香, 余震, 宋小莲, 王昌惠, 隆玄 *

同济大学医学院 上海

同济大学附属第十人民医院 上海

*通讯作者: 隆玄,单位:同济大学附属第十人民医院 上海;


引用本文: 史礼帅, 梅爱红, 史久美, 韩颖, 于宏, 张燕香, 余震, 宋小莲, 王昌惠, 隆玄 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下大学生在线课程调查[J]. 国际教育学, 2021; 3: (2) : 41-49.
Published: 2021/10/25 18:09:05


目的 了解新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下,大学生对在线课程的参与、接受、认可和推荐等情况评价,并探索在线课程未来发展的影响因素。方法 采用滚雪球抽样方法,基于问卷星平台进行在线调查。分布比较采用卡方检验和秩和检验,影响因素探索采用两分类Logistic回归和无序多分类回归进行分析。结果 调查1087名大学生,其中960人参与在线课程学习,参与率88.32%;52.71%(573/1087)的大学生喜欢在线课程,58.51%(636/1087)的大学生接受在线课程,由于疫情没办法才接受在线课程的大学生占37.07%(403/1087);23.55%(256/1087)的大学生认为在线课程更值得推荐,39.83%(433/1087)的大学生认为在线课程更方便,13.62%(148/1087)的大学生认为疫情结束后继续推荐在线课程,63.20%(687/1087)的大学生认为应该线上线下结合教学,19.96%(217/1087)的大学生认为在线课程最终会取代线下课程,27.23%(296/1087)的大学生认为疫情结束后在线课程会开展更多。54.00%(587/1087)的大学生认为在线课程会是教育部门以后开设课程的一种趋势。在关于在线课程是否会最终取代线下课程的Logistic回归分析中,我们发现性别是具有统计学意义的因素(OR=1.501,95%CI:1.106-2.036);性别、家庭所在城市和年级与疫情过后开展在线课程的数量存在统计学关联,其OR(95%CI)分别为:0.655(0.521-0.824)、1.537(1.074-2.201)、1.121(1.017-1.236)。结论 疫情期间在线课程教育发挥举足轻重的作用,今后需根据性别、城市和年级的不同需求进行开展。

关键词: 新型冠状病毒;大学生;在线课程;评价


Objective To understand the evaluation of college students' participation, acceptance, recognition and recommendation of online courses under the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, and to explore the factors influencing the future development of online courses.
Methods A snowball sampling method was used to conduct an online survey. Distribution comparisons were performed using chi-square and rank-sum tests, and influences were explored using two-category logistic regression and unordered multicategorical regression for analysis.
Results A survey of 1087 college students, of which 960 took online courses, the participation rate was 88.32%. Among college students, 52.71% (573/1087) liked online courses, 58.51% (636/1087)accepted online courses, and 37.07% (403/1087) accepted them only because of the epidemic.23.55% (256/1087) thought online courses were more recommended, 39.83% (433/1087) thought online courses were more convenient, 13.62% (148/1087)thought online courses would continue to be recommended after the epidemic was over,and 63.20% (687/1087) thoughtcourses should be combined online and offline. 19.96% (217/1087) thought that online courses would eventually replace offline courses, 27.23% (296/1087) thought that more online courses would be offered after the epidemic was over, and 54.00% (587/1087) thought that online courses would be a trend for the education sector to offer courses in the future. In the logistic regression analysis of whether online courses would eventually replace offline courses, gender was found to be a statistically significant factor (OR=1.501, 95% CI: 1.106-2.036). Gender, home city, and grade level were influential factors in how much online courses were conducted after the epidemic with ORs (95% CIs) of 0.655 (0.521-0.824), 1.537 (1.074-2.201), and 1.121 (1.017-1.236), respectively.
Conclusion   Online curriculum education played a pivotal role during the epidemic and needs to be developed in the future based on gender, urban and grade level needs.

Key words: COVID-19; College Student; Online Course; Evaluation

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