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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2021; 3: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr. 20210103 .

Study on the effect of detailed nursing on nursing quality and patient satisfaction in operating room

作者: 张琳红 *, 李晶

陕西省人民医院手术室 陕西西安

*通讯作者: 张琳红,单位:陕西省人民医院手术室 陕西西安;


引用本文: 张琳红, 李晶 细节护理对手术室护理质量及患者满意度的影响研究[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2021; 3: (4) : 44-47.
Published: 2021/8/31 11:57:25


目的 探讨手术室护理过程中采用细节护理对护理质量及患者满意度的印象。方法 本次纳入的分析对象均选取于我院手术室收治的手术患者,共计80例,研究于2020年6月开始,于2021年6月结束,为了深入分析细节护理的效果,本次使用对比的方式完成研究,使用随机双盲选法将患者分到两个研究小组,其中接受常规护理的40例患者划分为参照组,另外接受细节护理的40患者划分为研究组,由于护理方法不同,可能会出现不同的临床数据,所以需详细观察和记录,记录不同方面的护理质量评分及总分,记录护理后是否发生不良事件,同时统计患者是否会护理满意。将数据统计后进行比较。结果 研究组护理后的护理质量评分与参照组相比,前者的优势十分显著,(P<0.05)说明差异有统计学意义。护理后研究组中出现1例不良事件,而参照组则有6例,数值比较后者较高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。研究组和参照组对护理满意的人数分别是39例和34例,比较后者满意人数较低(P<0.05)说明差异有统计学意义。结论 在手术室护理工作中应用细节管理模式,能够有效地减少不良事件发生率,还能够促进护理质量的提高,对患者满意度的提升有着良好作用,建议今后临床中拓宽应用推广范围。

关键词: 手术室;细节护理;护理质量;满意度


Objective: To explore the impression of nursing quality and patient satisfaction with detailed nursing in the nursing process of operating room.
Methods: The analysis subjects included this time are all surgical patients admitted to the operating room of our hospital, a total of 80 cases. The study started in June 2020 and ended in June 2021. In order to analyze the effect of detailed nursing in-depth, use this time The study was completed in a comparative way, and the patients were divided into two research groups using a randomized double-blind selection method. Among them, 40 patients who received routine care were divided into the reference group, and 40 patients who received detailed care were divided into the study group. Because of the different nursing methods There may be different clinical data, so it is necessary to observe and record in detail, record the different aspects of nursing quality scores and total scores, record whether adverse events occur after nursing, and at the same time make statistics on whether the patient will be satisfied with the nursing. Compare the data after statistics.
Results: Compared with the reference group, the nursing quality scores of the study group after nursing have significant advantages (P<0.05), indicating that the difference is statistically significant. One case of adverse event occurred in the study group after nursing, while there were 6 cases in the reference group. The value was higher than the latter, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The number of patients in the study group and the reference group who were satisfied with nursing care was 39 and 34, respectively. Compared with the latter, the number of satisfied patients was lower (P<0.05), indicating that the difference was statistically significant.
Conclusion  : The application of detailed management mode in operating room nursing work can effectively reduce the incidence of adverse events, and can also promote the improvement of nursing quality, which has a good effect on the improvement of patient satisfaction. It is recommended to broaden the scope of clinical application in the future.

Key words: Operating Room; Detailed Nursing; Nursing Quality; Satisfaction

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