Advances in International Finance
Advances in International Finance. 2021; 3: (1) ; 10.12208/j.aif.20210003 .
总浏览量: 995
肇庆学院经济与管理学院 广东肇庆
*通讯作者: 方瑀绅,单位:肇庆学院经济与管理学院 广东肇庆;
电子商务俨然成为当今商业营销一股不可抵挡的趋势。然而,消费者如何看待商品品牌与自我之间的关系,成为一项值得研究的议题。本研究针对大学本科生族群,采独立T检定和单因子ANOVA检定,进行探讨他们对”品牌价值”、”质量价值”、”服务价值”的三个构面维度。研究发现:(1)就独立T检定分析男女学生在”品牌价值”构面有显着差异存在,其中女生感受显着的高于男生;(2)就三个构面维度16个问项变量中,女生对”品牌价值”感受显着的高于男生;而”质量价值”、”服务价值”构面均未达到显着差异;(3) ”品牌价值”与”服务价值”与年级、每月可支配零用钱构面达显着差异。
E-commerce has become an irresistible trend in today's commercial marketing. However, how consumers perceive the relationship between brand and self has become a topic worth studying. This study aimed at the undergraduate students in Guangdong, and adopted independent T-test and single-factor ANOVA test to explore their three facet dimensions of “brand value”, “quality value” and “service value”. The study found that: (1) There is a significant difference in the "brand value" facet between male and female students in the independent T test, in which girls feel significantly higher than boys; (2) 16 question variables in three facet dimensions, girls’ perception of “brand value” is significantly higher than that of boys; while “quality value” and “service value” facets have not reached significant differences; (3) “brand value” and “service value” and grade, There is a significant difference in the monthly disposable pocket money.
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