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International Journal of Education

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International Journal of Education. 2021; 3: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20210013 .

Discussion on the management of college language lab under the new environment

作者: 戴华 *

长江大学外国语学院 湖北荆州

*通讯作者: 戴华,单位:长江大学外国语学院 湖北荆州;


引用本文: 戴华 新环境下高校语音室管理的探讨[J]. 国际教育学, 2021; 3: (2) : 11-13.
Published: 2021/8/25 17:54:24



关键词: 新环境;语音室管理;专职语音室实验员;外语教师


In order to cope with the new environment and establish the teaching idea of new liberal arts in higher education, the management of college language lab is an important part of new foreign language teaching. The management of college language lab includes the management of equipment, materials, teaching and personnel, the most important of which is the management dilemma of laboratory staff.This paper synthesizes the past and present working conditions of lab technicians, helps colleges and universities to fully develop the functions of language lab, and offers suggestions for foreign language teaching under the construction of new liberal arts.

Key words: New Environment; Language Lab Management; Full-Time Lab Technician In Language Lab; Foreign Language Teacher

参考文献 References

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