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Scientific Development Research . 2021; 1: (1) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20210005 .

Research on the Development Dilemma and Countermeasures of Electronic Information Science and Technology

作者: 汪艳 *

武汉职业技术学院 湖北武汉

*通讯作者: 汪艳,单位:武汉职业技术学院 湖北武汉;


引用本文: 汪艳 电子信息科学技术的发展困境及应对策略研究[J]. 科学发展研究, 2021; 1: (1) : 13-15.
Published: 2021/7/9 14:55:31



关键词: 电子信息;科学技术;人才培养


With the development of society, science and technology in our country are advancing by leaps and bounds. At present, the emergence of electronic information science and technology has been widely used. Because of the many advantages in this technology, most of them have been applied to the field of communications and computers. In the field, good development has been achieved. In addition, with the rapid development of society today, our country has entered the information age. In this environment, electronic information science and technology is an indispensable resource, which occupies an important position in society and plays a vital role. effect. According to the current situation, electronic information science and technology have been introduced into the professional courses of higher vocational colleges, with both theoretical knowledge teaching and practical courses, providing students with comprehensive curriculum services, so that the technology can achieve comprehensive development.

Key words: Electronic Information; Science And Technology; Personnel Training

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