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Scientific Development Research

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Scientific Development Research . 2021; 1: (1) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20210003 .

Strengthen Financial Management and Promote Scientific Development of Enterprise Financial Management

作者: 王建华 *

天津商业大学 天津

*通讯作者: 王建华,单位:天津商业大学 天津;


引用本文: 王建华 加强财务管理推动企业财务管理工作科学发展研究[J]. 科学发展研究, 2021; 1: (1) : 7-9.
Published: 2021/7/9 14:49:57



关键词: 财务管理;企业;科学发展;研究


With the continuous development and construction of our country, nowadays, as an important pillar of promoting the progress of the country, enterprises have an inseparable relationship with the market and society in terms of their operations and market scale. From the overall analysis, no matter what type of enterprise is in business activities or construction and management, it is inseparable from financial support, which also highlights the importance of corporate financial management. However, many companies currently do not realize the importance of financial management. Most of them put economic efficiency first. This kind of prejudice will indirectly lead to negligence in financial management and then increase financial risk factors and loss of funds. Serious and other undesirable phenomena. Therefore, how to improve the scientific development of financial management work has become a task that relevant business leaders and managers should pay attention to. This article first expounds the significance of strengthening financial management to promote the scientific development of corporate financial management, and then discusses suggestions on strengthening financial management to promote the scientific development of corporate financial management, and puts forward personal opinions.

Key words: Financial Management; Enterprise; Scientific Development; Research

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