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International Journal of Education

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International Journal of Education. 2021; 3: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20210004 .

Research on Effective Promotion Strategy of Campus Football----Take the Wuhan City, a pilot city for football reform, as an example

作者: 王珺, 刘涛 *

武汉华夏理工学院体育学院 湖北武汉

*通讯作者: 刘涛,单位:武汉华夏理工学院体育学院 湖北武汉;


引用本文: 王珺, 刘涛 校园足球有效推进策略研究——以足球改革试点城市武汉市为例[J]. 国际教育学, 2021; 3: (1) : 27-31.
Published: 2021/3/25 18:13:49



关键词: 校园足球;推进策略;足球改革试点城市


In recent years, the Ministry of Education and the General Administration of Sports of China have jointly established the National Youth Campus Football Working Group Office, and issued relevant documents, which have kicked off the campus football sport. Later, with the approval of the State Council, the Ministry of Education and other departments reorganized the National Youth Campus Football Working Group, and took the leadership and management of campus football to a higher level. Since then, campus football work has also been transferred from the National Sports Bureau to the Ministry of Education, and campus football has become an activity of national concern. The development of campus football in Wuhan is also in full swing under the general policy situation. This article mainly takes the situation of the promotion of campus football in Wuhan as the research object, through the literature data method, data collection method, field investigation method, interview method, etc. This paper analyzes the three main factors that affect the promotion of campus football in Wuhan, such as the executor factor, execution agency factor and execution system factor, and puts forward effective promotion strategies, hoping to provide a certain reference for the promotion of campus football in Wuhan and even the whole country.

Key words: Campus Football; Promotion Strategy; Pilot City for Football Reform

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