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International Journal of Clinical Research

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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2020; 4: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20200013 .

Study on the application effect of clinical nursing path in orthopedic nursing

作者: 覃维 *

贵州医科大学附属医院骨一病房 贵州贵阳

*通讯作者: 覃维,单位:贵州医科大学附属医院骨一病房 贵州贵阳;


引用本文: 覃维 临床护理路径在骨科护理中的应用效果研究[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2020; 4: (1) : 44-46.
Published: 2020/10/15 15:11:14


目的 对骨科护理中临床护理路径的应用效果进行分析。方法 本次实验对象为骨科患者,实验时间控制在2019年5月-2020年5月,实验人数为180例。对所选患者进行编号处理,对照组及实验组患者分别为奇数与偶数编号。通过一般护理模式护理对照组患者,通过临床护理路径模式护理实验组患者,分析和对比两组患者顺应性、护理满意度、出院时间。结果 对本次实验展开分析,实验组患者顺应性上升幅度相比对照组患者较大,相关数据之间差异凸显,(p<0.05);对本次实验进行系统的分析,实验组患者护理满意度上升幅度相比对照组患者较大,相关数据之间差异凸显,(p<0.05);展开分析本次实验,实验组患者出院时间缩减幅度相比对照组患者较大,两组数据之间差异凸显,(p<0.05)。结论 在骨科护理中临床护理路径有着较为显著的应用效果,其在提高患者顺应性及护理满意度,加快患者出院进程方面作用较为突出。

关键词: 骨科;一般护理模式;临床护理路径;顺应性


Objective To analyze the application e+fect of clinical nursing path in orthopedic nursing.
Methods The subjects of this experiment are orthopedic patients, the experiment time is controlled from May 2019 to May 2020, and the number of experimenters is 180 cases. The selected patients were numbered. The control group and the experimental group were numbered odd and even. The patients in the control group were nursed through the general nursing model, and the patients in the experimental group were nursed through the clinical nursing pathway model. The compliance, nursing satisfaction, and discharge time of the two groups were analyzed and compared. Result The analysis of this experiment showed that the increase in compliance of the experimental group patients was larger than that of the control group, and the difference between the relevant data was prominent (p<0.05); the experiment was systematically analyzed, and the experimental group patient care Compared with the control group, the degree of increase in satisfaction is larger, and the difference between the relevant data is prominent, (p<0.05); in the analysis of this experiment, the discharge time of the experimental group is larger than that of the control group. The difference between them is prominent, (p<0.05).
Conclusion   The clinical nursing path has a significant application effect in orthopedic nursing, and it plays a prominent role in improving patient compliance and nursing satisfaction, and accelerating the discharge process of patients.

Key words: Orthopedics; General Nursing Model; Clinical Nursing Path; Compliance

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