关键词: 在线课程;在线讨论;学习预警;学习影响
Online discussion is the core component of online courses. It provides learners with a personalized learning experience that facilitates interactive communication, encourages learners to break through time and space constraints, participate in learning purposefully, and form numerous generative resources. In online learning, if learners cannot get feedback and reminders from teachers in the first time, they will not be able to identify their own academic risks in time. When learners get immediate learning warning and feedback, it can help learners build confidence, urge learners to participate in interactive communication in a timely manner, and help teachers understand learners’ participation in courses in a timely manner. This research aims to explore the implementation of early warning measures in online courses, analyze the impact on learners' learning behavior, learning participation, and academic procrastination, and help learners actively participate in online courses.
Key words: Online courses; online discussion; learning early warning; learning impact
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