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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2020; 2: (5) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20200174 .

Clinical analysis of reproductive vaginal delivery of scarred uterus after cesarean section

作者: 张建美, 张应稳 *

云南省第一人民医院昆明理工大学附属医院产科 云南 昆明

*通讯作者: 张应稳,单位:云南省第一人民医院昆明理工大学附属医院产科 云南 昆明;


引用本文: 张建美, 张应稳 剖宫产术后瘢痕子宫再次妊娠阴道分娩的临床分析[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2020; 2: (5) : 561-563.
Published: 2020/8/24 18:03:09


目的 对比分析剖宫产术后瘢痕子宫再次妊娠阴道分娩的临床应用效果。方法 随机抽取我院2019年3月-2020年3月妇产科收治的80例瘢痕子宫再次妊娠孕妇作为研究主体,利用均分法将其具体分为观察组与对照组,每组建制40例。观察组孕妇为再次妊娠后进行阴道试产的孕妇,对照组孕妇为再次妊娠后进行剖宫产的孕妇,待到分娩结束后,对比两组孕妇及新生儿情况。结果 观察组孕妇的分娩时间、产后出血量及住院时间明显低于对照组(P<0.05),两组新生儿评分及窒息率比较差异较小,并无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 研究表明,当瘢痕子宫再次妊娠孕妇开始分娩的过程中,相关医护人员可以结合实际分娩情况制定科学合理且较为人性化的分娩方式。在选择合理分娩方式时,必须以孕妇是否存在其他剖宫产特征及阴道分娩禁忌证作为选择因素,合理的选择分娩方式能够有效缩短孕妇产后住院时间,降低其产后出血量,因此值得临床推广。

关键词: 瘢痕;子宫;再次妊娠;阴道分娩


Objective: To compare and analyze the clinical application effect of cicatricial uterus after cesarean section for pregnancy and vaginal delivery.
Methods: Randomly select 80 cases of pregnant women with scarred uterus who were admitted to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in our hospital from March 2019 to March 2020 as the main body of the study, and divide them into the observation group and the control group by the equal division method example. The pregnant women in the observation group were pregnant women who had a vaginal trial after pregnancy, and the pregnant women in the control group were pregnant women who had a cesarean section after pregnancy. After the delivery, the two groups of pregnant women and newborns were compared.
Results: The delivery time, postpartum hemorrhage and hospitalization time of the pregnant women in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group (P <0.05). The difference in neonatal scores and asphyxia rates between the two groups was small and not statistically significant (P> 0.05).
Conclusion  : Studies have shown that when pregnant women with a scarred uterus become pregnant again, the relevant medical staff can combine the actual delivery conditions to formulate a scientific and reasonable and more humane delivery method. When choosing a reasonable delivery method, it is necessary to choose whether the pregnant woman has other cesarean section characteristics and contraindications for vaginal delivery. A reasonable choice of delivery method can effectively shorten the postpartum hospital stay and reduce the amount of postpartum hemorrhage, so it is worth clinical promotion.

Key words: Scar; Uterus; Second Pregnancy; Vaginal Delivery

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