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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2020; 2: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20200147 .

Generative dialogue system for auxiliary diagnosis and treatment of digestive medicine

作者: 桑粉玲 *, 翟卓玲, 李婷婷

云南省第二人民医院消化内科 云南昆明

*通讯作者: 桑粉玲,单位:云南省第二人民医院消化内科 云南昆明;


引用本文: 桑粉玲, 翟卓玲, 李婷婷 面向消化内科辅助诊疗的生成式对话系统[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2020; 2: (4) : 478-480.
Published: 2020/7/17 14:43:02



关键词: 消化内科;辅助诊疗;生成式对话系统


With the rapid economic improvement, people's life and work pressure are gradually increasing. Affected by the social environment and their own conditions, many people's life laws have undergone major changes, especially in terms of diet, most people's diet appear irregular and unhealthy phenomena, in this case, the incidence of digestive system diseases shows a trend of increasing year by year. When many people find abnormal health, the first reaction is not to be admitted to the hospital, but to seek answers through the Internet. As far as gastroenterological diseases are concerned, it has the characteristics of diversity, and it is difficult to obtain disease-related information only by relying on network search [1]. Therefore, in order to improve the accuracy of information obtained by patients, the traditional search method should be improved. In the information retrieval system, the dialogue system is relatively advanced. The user enters his needs through the system. The other party of the dialogue system feeds back the effective information in time according to the text description. This method can improve the accuracy of the user's access to information. This study explores the generative dialogue system in Gastroenterology, using the learning function and classification function of the vector machine to obtain professional questioning statements about Gastroenterology from the medical website, and at the same time statistical methods Various knowledge is made into a professional dictionary, and the effect of word segmentation is improved. On this basis, the attention mechanism is added to the combination of multi-layer structure and gated circulation unit, and the training method is strengthened. Promote the improvement of the generative dialogue system of digestive medicine through the above steps. The research shows that the comparison between the generative dialogue system and the traditional way compares the accuracy of word segmentation. The traditional method is relatively low, which shows that the generative dialogue system can improve the accuracy of the answer.

Key words: Gastroenterology; Auxiliary Diagnosis and Treatment; Generative Dialogue System

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