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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2020; 2: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20200117 .

83 cases of children with acute leukemia bacterial infection characteristics and nursing strategies

作者: 姚丹丽, 干殷桢 *


*通讯作者: 干殷桢,单位:同济大学附属同济医院儿科,上海;


引用本文: 姚丹丽, 干殷桢 83例儿童急性白血病细菌感染特点及护理对策[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2020; 2: (4) : 382-385.
Published: 2020/7/1 14:19:11


目的 探讨儿童急性白血病细菌感染的特点及相应的护理对策。方法 对我院儿科住院的急性白血病儿童送检的标本进行微生物学分析,明确细菌感染的部位,种类,并采取相应的护理措施。结果 收集的83例患儿中发生细菌感染的病例有65例,感染率为78.31%(65/83);感染部位以呼吸道最为常见为58例次,占比56.31%;65例白血病患儿合并细菌感染的患儿中,从咽拭子、血、分泌物、中段尿、痰、脓液等各种临床标本中共分离出各种菌株84例,其中咽拭子标本占比最高,为60.71%(51/84);分离出的84例菌株中,检出革兰氏阴性菌56例,构成比为66.67%(56/84);检出革兰氏阳性菌28例,构成比为33.33%(28/84)。结论 在白血病合并细菌感染的患儿中,以革兰氏阴性菌感染为主;根据儿童白血病细菌感染特点,应采取针对性的护理措施,以促进感染患儿的早日恢复。

关键词: 急性白血病;细菌感染;护理对策;革兰氏


objective To investigate the characteristics of children with acute leukemia bacterial infection and the corresponding nursing strategies.
Methods Microbiological analysis was carried out on the samples of acute leukemia children in our hospital, the site and species of bacterial infection were identified, and corresponding nursing measures were taken.
Results Among the 83 children patients collected, 65 had bacterial infection, with an infection rate of 78.31% (65/83). Respiratory tract was the most common infection site in 58 cases, accounting for 56.31%. Among the 65 children with leukemia complicated with bacterial infection, 84 were isolated from various clinical specimens including pharyngeal swabs, blood, secretions, midcourse urine, sputum and pus, among which pharyngeal swabs accounted for the highest proportion (60.71%, 51/84). Among the 84 isolated strains, 56 gram-negative bacteria were detected, with a composition ratio of 66.67% (56/84). Twenty-eight cases of gram-positive bacteria were detected, with a composition ratio of 33.33% (28/84).
Conclusion   Gram-negative bacterial infection is the main bacterial infection in children with leukemia. According to the characteristics of bacterial infection in childhood leukemia, nursing measures should be taken to promote the early recovery of infection in children.

Key words: acute leukemia; Bacterial infection; Nursing countermeasures; gram

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