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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2020; 2: (4) 13; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijnr.20200129 .

Application of evidence-based nursing in prevention of deep vein thrombosis in elderly patients after urology surgery

作者: 赵蓉 *


*通讯作者: 赵蓉,单位:云南省第一人民医院泌尿外科;


引用本文: 赵蓉 循证护理应用于泌尿外科老年患者在术后预防深静脉血栓研究[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2020; 2: (4) : 423-425.
Published: 2020/7/8 3:00:00


目的 探讨在对接受手术治疗的泌尿外科老年患者实施循证护理干预在患者术后深静脉血栓并发症的预防效果。方法 于本院2019年2月-2020年1月收治的泌尿外科老年患者中,随机选取66例作为研究对象,根据临床护理方式的不同,将其分组展开实验。按照以往常规护理流程,两组患者均接受体位护理、用药指导、饮食干预等护理服务,对对照组护理方式的不同之处在于,观察组患者另外增加使用循证护理。结果 从两组患者术后深静脉血栓发生率和患者护理满意度两项指标的比较上来看,观察组患者的护理效果更高,组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 循证护理包含了患者的心理、体位、运动等多方位的护理服务,护理内容更具针对性,患者的疼痛得到缓解,心态良好,有助于患者生活质量水平的提高,达到良好的治疗效果。

关键词: 泌尿外科老年患者;循证护理;深静脉血栓;效果


Objective: To investigate the preventive effect of evidence-based nursing intervention on elderly patients undergoing surgical treatment of urological surgery patients with postoperative deep vein thrombosis.
Methods: Among the elderly patients with urology admitted in our hospital from February 2019 to January 2020, 66 patients were randomly selected as the research objects, and the experiments were divided into groups according to different clinical nursing methods. According to the conventional routine nursing process, the two groups of patients received postural care, medication guidance, dietary intervention and other nursing services. The difference between the control group and the nursing method is that the observation group additionally uses evidence-based nursing.
Results: From the comparison between the two groups of patients with postoperative deep vein thrombosis rate and patient care satisfaction, the observation group had a higher nursing effect, and the difference between the groups was statistically significant (P <0.05).
Conclusion  : Evidence-based nursing includes the patient's psychological, posture, sports and other multi-faceted nursing services. The content of care is more targeted. The patient's pain is relieved and the mentality is good. It helps to improve the quality of life of patients and achieve good therapeutic effects.

Key words: elderly patients in urology; evidence-based nursing; deep vein thrombosis; effect

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