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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2020; 2: (4) 8; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijnr.20200124 .

Impact of multi-faceted nursing management on quality and satisfaction of maternal care

作者: 廖列徐 *

云南新昆华医院产后康复中心 云南昆明

*通讯作者: 廖列徐,单位:云南新昆华医院产后康复中心 云南昆明;


引用本文: 廖列徐 多方位护理管理对产妇护理质量及满意度的影响[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2020; 2: (4) : 408-410.
Published: 2020/7/7 16:31:05


目的 探讨在产科护理中实施多方位护理管理在提高护理质量、患者满意度两方面所发挥出的作用。方法 本次研究选取我院产科42名产妇,时间为2018年10月-2019年10月,在对产妇护理期间,实施多方位护理管理,将其作为观察组,回顾以往常规护理模式下产妇的护理资料,同样选取42人,将其作为对照组,时间为2017年9月-2018年9月,比较两组产妇的护理满意度,对护理质量进行评估,以此作为本次护理效果的主要评判标准。结果 观察组在基础护理、产前与产后护理、整体护理方面的质量评分均在90分以上,在满意度调查中,该组患者对本次护理服务表示满意、基本满意总人数为40例,总体满意度为95.24%,与常规护理模式下的对照组相比较,组间差值具有可比性(P<0.05)。结论 在多方面护理管理方式下,各项护理工作得到有效的落实,形成具备系统化、秩序化的护理管理体系,在一定程度上降低了护理风险事件的发生概率,护理质量、患者总体满意度得到提高。

关键词: 产科护理;多方位护理管理;护理质量;满意度


Objective: To explore the role of multi-dimensional nursing management in obstetric nursing in improving the quality of care and patient satisfaction.
Methods: In this study, 42 maternity women from our obstetric department were selected from October 2018 to October 2019. During the period of maternity care, multi-directional nursing management was implemented as an observation group to review the maternal under the conventional nursing mode For the nursing data, 42 people were also selected as the control group for the period from September 2017 to September 2018. The nursing satisfaction of the two groups of women was compared, and the quality of nursing was evaluated as the result of this nursing effect. The main evaluation criteria.
Results: The quality scores of the observation group in basic care, prenatal and postnatal care, and overall care were all above 90. In the satisfaction survey, the patients in this group expressed satisfaction with the nursing service and the total number of basic satisfaction was 40 cases. The overall satisfaction was 95.24%. Compared with the control group under the conventional nursing mode, the difference between the groups was comparable (P <0.05).
Conclusion  : Under various aspects of nursing management methods, various nursing tasks have been effectively implemented, and a systematic and orderly nursing management system has been formed, which has reduced the probability of occurrence of nursing risk events to a certain extent, and the quality of care and overall patient satisfaction degree has been improved.

Key words: Obstetric nursing; Multi-dimensional nursing management; Nursing quality; Satisfaction

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