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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2020; 2: (3) 38; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijnr.20200104 .

Application effect analysis of humanistic nursing in neonatal pneumonia nursing

作者: 马玲玲 *


*通讯作者: 马玲玲,单位:云南省第一人民医院儿科;


引用本文: 马玲玲 新生儿肺炎护理中人性化护理的应用效果分析[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2020; 2: (3) : 343-345.
Published: 2020/6/10 14:50:14


目的 对新生儿肺炎护理中人性化护理的应用效果进行研究。方法 本次实验选择本院2018年2月-2020年2月期间就诊的114例新生儿肺炎患儿,通过抛硬币的方法将所选患儿108例患儿分为甲组及乙组,两组患儿人数相同,均为54人。护理人员在实验过程中通过常规护理手段对甲组患儿进行护理,通过人性化护理对乙组患儿进行护理,对比和分析两组患儿体温恢复时间、亲属护理满意情况及复发情况。结果 在体温恢复时间方面,相比甲组患儿,乙组患儿较短,甲组患儿体温恢复时间为(3.7±0.4)天,乙组患儿体温恢复时间为(2.3±0.3)天,体温恢复时间方面表现出较大差异,数据呈现统计学意义(p<0.05);在亲属护理满意度方面,乙组远远高于甲组,甲组患儿亲属护理满意度为83.33%,乙组患儿亲属护理满意度为96.30%,患儿亲属护理满意度方面表现出较大差异,数据呈现统计学意义(p<0.05);在复发情况方面,甲组患儿复发几率较高,甲组共有8例患儿病情复发,复发几率为14.81%,乙组共有1例患儿病情复发,复发几率为1.85%,复发几率方面表现出较大差异,数据呈现统计学意义(p<0.05)。结论 在新生儿肺炎护理中人性化护理有着较好的效果,其能够在一定程度上缩短患儿体温恢复时间,促进患儿亲属护理满意度的提升,降低病情复发几率,有着较高的临床应用价值。

关键词: 肺炎护理;新生儿;常规护理;人性化护理


Objective To study the application effect of humanized nursing in neonatal pneumonia nursing.
Methods: In this experiment, 114 neonates with pneumonia who were treated in our hospital from February 2018 to February 2020 were selected, and 108 of them were divided into Group A and Group B by tossing. The number of children in the two groups is the same, both 54. During the experiment, the nurses took care of the children in group A through routine nursing methods, and took care of the children in group B through humanized nursing. They compared and analyzed the temperature recovery time, relative nursing satisfaction and recurrence of the two groups of children.
Results: In terms of temperature recovery time, the children in group B were shorter than those in group A. The temperature recovery time in group A was (3.7 ± 0.4) days, and the temperature recovery time in group B was (2.3 ± 0.3) Days, the temperature recovery time showed a large difference, the data showed statistical significance (p <0.05); in terms of relative nursing satisfaction, group B is much higher than group A, the relative satisfaction of children in group A is 83.33%. The nursing satisfaction of the relatives of the children in group B was 96.30%, and there was a big difference in the nursing satisfaction of the relatives of the children. The data showed statistical significance (p <0.05); in terms of recurrence, the children in group A had a higher probability of recurrence A total of 8 patients in Group A relapsed, the probability of recurrence was 14.81%, a total of 1 patient in Group B relapsed, the probability of relapse was 1.85%, and there was a large difference in the probability of recurrence. The data showed statistical significance (p < 0.05).
Conclusion  : Humanized nursing has a better effect in neonatal pneumonia nursing. It can shorten the temperature recovery time of children to a certain extent, promote the nursing satisfaction of relatives of children, reduce the chance of relapse, and has a higher clinical Value.

Key words: Pneumonia Nursing; Newborn; Routine Nursing; Humanized Nursing

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