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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2020; 2: (3) 21; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijnr.20200087 .

Related attention problems and treatment methods in nursing after transurethral resection of prostate hyperplasia

作者: 宋元玉 *


*通讯作者: 宋元玉,单位:云南省第二人民医院;

引用本文: 宋元玉 经尿道前列腺增生电切除术后护理中的相关注意问题及处理方法[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2020; 2: (3) : 292-294.
Published: 2020/6/4 13:38:50


目的 对经尿道前列腺增生电切除术后护理中出现的问题及处理方法进行研究。方法 本次实验共计抽取本院2019年2月-2020年2月期间接受尿道前列腺增生电切除术的患者76人,依据护理方法的不同将所选患者分为甲乙两组,两组均为43人。护理人员在实验过程中对甲组患者进行常规护理,在充分分析以往问题的基础上对乙组患者进行针对性护理,对两组患者护理满意情况、术后并发症出现情况及住院时长进行对比和分析。结果 研究结果显示,甲组患者与乙组患者在护理满意度方面表现出较大差异,乙组患者护理满意度较高,甲组患者护理满意度为81.40%,乙组患者护理满意度为97.67%,两组数据之间呈现统计学意义(p<0.05);甲组患者于乙组患者在术后并发症出现几率方面表现出较大差异,甲组患者术后并发症出现几率较高,甲组患者术后并发症出现几率为11.63%,乙组患者术后并发症出现几率为2.33%,两组数据之间呈现统计学意义(p<0.05);甲组患者与乙组患者在住院时长方面表现出较大差异,乙组患者住院时间较短,甲组患者住院时长为(12.9±3.5)天,乙组患者住院时长为(7.2±3.1)天,两组数据之间呈现统计学意义(p<0.05)。结论 对经尿道前列腺增生电切除术后护理中出现的问题及处理方法进行研究,并在此基础上开展护理工作能够在一定程度上提高护理工作开展水平,促进患者护理满意度的提升,减少术后并发症的出现,缩短患者住院时长。

关键词: 尿道前列腺增生电切除术;术后护理;护理满意度;并发症;住院时长


Objective To investigate the problems and treatment methods in nursing after transurethral resection of prostate hyperplasia.
Methods: A total of 76 patients who underwent electrosurgical resection of urethral prostatic hyperplasia in our hospital from February 2019 to February 2020 were selected in this experiment. The selected patients were divided into two groups according to different nursing methods, both were 43 people. Nursing staff conducted routine care for patients in group A during the experiment, targeted nursing for patients in group B based on a thorough analysis of past problems, and compared the satisfaction of nursing care, the occurrence of postoperative complications and the length of hospitalization of patients in the two groups and analysis.
Results: The results of the study showed that patients in group A and group B showed significant differences in nursing satisfaction, patients in group B had higher nursing satisfaction, patients in group A had a nursing satisfaction of 81.40%, and patients in group B had a nursing satisfaction of 97.67%, statistically significant between the two groups of data (p <0.05); Group A and Group B patients showed greater differences in the probability of postoperative complications, and Group A patients had a higher probability of postoperative complications. The incidence of postoperative complications in group A patients was 11.63%, and the incidence of postoperative complications in group B patients was 2.33%. The data between the two groups showed statistical significance (p <0.05); There was a big difference in the length of hospitalization. Group B patients had shorter hospital stays. Group A patients had a hospital stay of (12.9 ± 3.5) days. Group B patients had a hospital stay of (7.2 ± 3.1) days, which has academic significance (p <0.05).
Conclusion  : To study the problems and treatment methods in nursing after transurethral resection of prostate hyperplasia and to carry out nursing work on this basis can improve the level of nursing work to a certain extent, promote the improvement of patient satisfaction and reduce the occurrence of postoperative complications shortens the length of hospitalization of patients.

Key words: Electroresection of Urethral Prostatic Hyperplasia; Postoperative Care; Nursing Satisfaction; Complications; Length Of Hospital Stay

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