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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2020; 2: (2) 33; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijnr.20200049 .

Analysis of the effect of nursing quality control of disinfection supply center on prevention of nosocomial infection

作者: 谭玉珠 *


*通讯作者: 谭玉珠,单位:云南新昆华医院;


引用本文: 谭玉珠 消毒供应中心护理质量控制对预防院内感染的效果分析[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2020; 2: (2) : 172-174.
Published: 2020/3/31 19:58:07



关键词: 消毒供应中心;护理质量控制;院内感染;预防;应用价值


Objective: To analyze the clinical application effect of nursing quality control of disinfection supply center on prevention of nosocomial infection.
Methods: Ninety cases of nursing staff working in the disinfection supply center were taken as the research object of this control experiment. Random numbers were used to assign them to the reference group and the study group, with 45 patients in each group, and using different management methods. The group used nursing quality control management, the reference group did not use nursing quality control management, and compared the incidence of nosocomial infections and clinical effects.
Results: The study group using nursing quality control showed 1 case of unsatisfactory device disinfection, 1 case of sterilization failure, 1 case of disqualification, total failure rate (6.66%); and in the no reference group of nursing quality control, there were 3 cases of unsuccessful equipment disinfection, 2 cases of sterilization failure, 1 case of packaging failure and 2 cases of distribution failure. The total failure rate (17.77%), the total failure rate of the study group was significantly lower than the reference group. The difference was significant and statistic (P <0.05). Secondly, the knowledge assessment of nursing staff in the study group was (97.55 ± 3.02) points and the department satisfaction was (96.84 ± 8.36) points; the knowledge assessment and department satisfaction score of the reference group were (89.63 ± 6.22) points and (72.49 ± 7.13) points, respectively. The study group was significantly higher than the reference group (P <0.05).
Conclusion  : Applying nursing quality control to our hospital's disinfection control center can effectively improve the work standardization of employees and has an important role in reducing the infection rate in the hospital.

Key words: Disinfection Supply Center; Quality Control Of Care; Nosocomial Infection; Prevention; Application Value

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