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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2020; 2: (2) 21; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijnr.20200037 .

Analysis and management countermeasures of potential unsafe factors in nursing work of liver disease department

作者: 王金乔 *


*通讯作者: 王金乔,单位:云南省第一人民医院;


引用本文: 王金乔 肝病科护理工作中潜在不安全因素的分析与管理对策[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2020; 2: (2) : 136-138.
Published: 2020/3/25 19:41:07



关键词: 肝病科;不安全因素;问题;管理对策


Objective: To explore potential unsafe factors and related management countermeasures in nursing work of liver disease department.
Methods: Sixty-four patients with liver disease were selected as the subjects of this experiment in the Department of Hepatology of our hospital, and they were assigned to the reference group and the study group using the digital random method, with 32 patients in each group. The reference group was treated with conventional care. While the research group was treated with strengthening management on the basis of conventional nursing methods, and compare the incidence of nursing errors, complaints, the incidence of nursing disputes, and patient satisfaction after nursing.
Results: The study group with enhanced management had significantly lower rates of nursing errors, complaints, and nurse-patient disputes than the reference group (P <0.05). At the same time, the patient satisfaction of the study group was significantly higher than that of the reference group. The difference was statistically significant (P <0.05).
Conclusion  : There are many potential unsafe factors in the nursing work of liver disease department. By investigating such factors in detail and taking targeted preventive measures can effectively improve the safety of nursing and have a positive effect on promoting the rapid recovery of patients' health.

Key words: Department of Liver Disease; unsafe factors; problems; management countermeasures

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