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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2020; 2: (1) 8; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijnr.20200008 .

Analysis on the common nursing care of urology

作者: 孙俪萍 *


*通讯作者: 孙俪萍,单位:云南省第一人民医院泌尿外科;


引用本文: 孙俪萍 泌尿外科常见管路的护理分析[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2020; 2: (1) : 34-38.
Published: 2019/12/17 2:51:55


目的:研究泌尿外科常见的管理护理措施,探究针对性管道护理在临床中的具体应用效果。方法: 参与此次研究泌尿外科管道护理的患者共计86例,主要是选取我院泌尿外科2018年11月~2019年3月期间收治的患者。研究人员需要将该86例患者按照数表法分为对照组(43例)与观察组(43例),对照组泌尿外科患者需要运用常规护理措施,而观察组泌尿外科患者需要在常规护理的基础上运用针对性管道护理措施,研究期间需要临床护理人员做好记录工作,对比两组患者治疗有效率、管道不良事件发生率以及护理满意度等。结果:观察组泌尿外科患者在运用针对性管道护理措施后,管道不良事件发生率为2.20%,相较于运用常规护理措施的泌尿外科患者管道不良事件发生率6.52%低,研究数据存在差异,具有实际统计意义(P<0.05)。除此之外,观察组患者治疗有效率95.34%、护理满意度96.28%,明显优于对照组患者治疗有效率85.62%、护理满意度74.69%,组间研究数据存在差异(P<0.05)。结论:针对泌尿外科患者运用针对性管道护理措施可以有效降低管道不良事件发生率,对患者疾病的恢复具有积极作用,临床推广价值较高。

关键词: 泌尿外科;管道;护理


Objective: To study the common management nursing measures in urology, and to explore the specific application effect of targeted channel nursing in the clinic.
Methods: A total of 86 patients participated in the urological tube care of this study. The patients were mainly selected from our hospital from November 2018 to March 2019. Researchers need to divide the 86 patients into a control group (43 cases) and an observation group (43 cases) according to the table method. The urological patients in the control group need to use conventional nursing measures, while the urological patients in the observation group need to receive Based on the use of targeted pipeline nursing measures, clinical nursing staff need to keep records during the study period, and compare the treatment efficiency, incidence of adverse events in the pipeline, and nursing satisfaction among the two groups.
Results: Observation group of urological patients after using targeted pipeline nursing measures, the incidence of adverse events in the pipeline was 2.20%, compared with 6.52% of the incidence of adverse events in the pipeline of urological patients using conventional nursing measures. It has practical statistical significance (P <0.05). In addition, the effective rate of treatment in the observation group was 95.34% and the satisfaction degree of nursing was 96.28%, which was significantly better than that of the control group. The effective rate of treatment was 85.62% and the satisfaction degree of nursing was 74.69%.
Conclusion  : The use of targeted pipeline nursing measures for urological patients can effectively reduce the incidence of adverse events in the pipeline, and has a positive effect on the recovery of patients' diseases. The clinical promotion value is high.

Key words: Urology; Tubing; Nursing

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