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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2019; 1: (1) 8; DOI:10.12208/j.ijnr.20190008 .

The method of detail nursing concept applied to children's operating room nursing work and observation of nursing effect

作者: 孙芬菊 *


*通讯作者: 孙芬菊,单位:西北妇女儿童医院;


引用本文: 孙芬菊 细节护理理念应用于儿童手术室护理工作中的方法和护理效果观察[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2019; 1: (1) : 43-47.
Published: 2019/9/4 0:03:00


目的: 探讨在儿童手术看护过程中加入细节看护的观念,对手术室的看护工作效果的影响。方法:2017年12月至2018年12月,120名需要在儿科进行手术治疗的儿童被选为受试者。应用随机抽样的方法将120名儿童分成A组和B组,每组60名儿童。A组实施普通的常规护理。B组的儿童在一般日常规范看护的过程中加强细节上的看护。最后,两组儿童的家庭对看护品质的评估进行了比较。结果: A组儿童家人对看护的品质评价满意22人,基本满意20人,不满意18人,总的评价满意度为70.00%, B组患儿家庭对护理质量评价满意的38人,基本满意20人,不满意2人,总的满意度为96.60%,B组患儿家庭满意度明显高于A组,具有统计学差异差异( P<0.05)。结论:对儿童的手术室护理进行细节的护理可以改善儿童的依从性,减轻负面情绪,并减少并发症或不良事件的发生率。紧急情况较少,运行平稳,有效缩短手术时间,达到良好的护理效果。

关键词: 细节护理;手术室;护理;应用效果


Objective: To investigate the effect of adding detail care in the surgical care of children and the effect of nursing work in the operating room. METHODS: From December 2017 to December 2018, 120 children requiring surgery in pediatrics were selected as subjects. A random sample was used to divide 120 children into groups A and B, with 60 children in each group. Group A performs general routine care. Children in Group B strengthen the care of the details in the course of general daily care. Finally, the assessment of the quality of care was compared between the families of the two groups of children.
Results: The children of group A were satisfied with the quality of nursing care by 22 people, basically satisfied with 20 people, and 18 people were dissatisfied. The total evaluation satisfaction was 70.00%. The family of children in group B were satisfied with the evaluation of nursing quality, and they were basically satisfied. 20 people, 2 people were dissatisfied, the total satisfaction was 96.60%. The family satisfaction of children in group B was significantly higher than that in group A, with statistical difference (P<0.05).
Conclusion  : Careful attention to children's operating room care can improve child compliance, reduce negative emotions, and reduce the incidence of complications or adverse events. Less emergency, stable operation, effectively shorten the operation time and achieve good nursing results.

Key words: detail nursing; operating room; nursing; application effect

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