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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2019; 1: (1) 5; DOI:10.12208/j.ijnr.20190005 .

Analysis of the effect of accelerated rehabilitation surgery on perioperative nursing in orthopedic patients

作者: 张曼齐 *


*通讯作者: 张曼齐,单位:西安交通大学第一附属医院骨科;


引用本文: 张曼齐 分析加速康复外科理念在骨科患者围手术期护理的效果[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2019; 1: (1) : 26-31.
Published: 2019/8/23 8:02:44



关键词: 加速康复外科理念;骨科手术;围术期并发症;满意度


Objective: To observe the application effect of accelerated rehabilitation surgery concept (ERAS) in perioperative period of orthopedics. METHODS: A total of 162 orthopedic surgery patients who were admitted to our hospital from 2017.4-2019.4 were grouped according to random principles. One group performed routine perioperative care and one group implemented ERAS. Compare the postoperative ventilation, get out of bed and hospitalization time, the various complications during the perioperative period, and the evaluation results of nursing work satisfaction. RESULTS: Postoperative ventilation time (1.13±0.32) h, bed activity (6.71±1.84) h, bed activity (4.32±1.04) h, hospitalization time (11.82±3.40) d were shorter in the EERAS group than in the conventional group (1.98±0.47). h, (13.32 ± 3.02) h, (6.21 ± 1.15) h, (17.25 ± 4.33) d, p < 0.05; ERAS group complication rate 2.46% higher than the conventional group 9.88%; ERAS group satisfaction 98.77% high In the conventional group, 91.36%, p < 0.05.
Conclusion  : The perioperative nursing needs of orthopedic surgery patients are more and the nursing content is complicated. The implementation of ERAS can promote the rationalization and scientificization of the nursing procedures in each stage of the perioperative period, which can help improve the postoperative physical condition of patients, prevent and reduce multiple concurrency. The disease, which improves satisfaction, is worth promoting.

Key words: accelerated rehabilitation surgery concept; orthopedic surgery; perioperative complications; satisfaction

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