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International Journal of Education

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International Journal of Education. 2019; 1: (1) 3; DOI:10.12208/j.ije.20190003 .

Study on the effective teaching of high school English reading with students as the main body

作者: 于建英 *


*通讯作者: 于建英,单位:南方科技大学;


引用本文: 于建英 以学生为主体的高中英语阅读有效教学研究[J]. 国际教育学, 2019; 1: (1) : 9-11.
Published: 2019/7/4 7:05:48



关键词: 高中英语; 学生为主体; 阅读教学


As the improvement of the curriculum in our country continues to deepen, it is necessary to reform the traditional teaching methods in the process of high school English reading teaching, because reading teaching is an important part of students' English learning. This paper mainly focuses on the relevant standards of China's new curriculum reform, and starts from the current situation of English reading teaching, and studies and analyzes the high school reading teaching method with students as the main body.

Key words: high school English; students as the main body; reading teaching

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